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Definition And Classification Of Gas Turbine Generator

Time: 2023-07-11

About industry definition and classification of gas turbines, according to the Gas Turbine Glossary (GB/T 15135-2018), gas turbine refers to freewheeling rotating machinery (stand-alone machine) that converts heat energy into mechanical work, including compressors, equipment for heating working fluids (such as combustion chambers), turbines, control systems and auxiliary equipment.

According to the structural form and output power, gas turbines can be divided into three categories: micro, light and heavy. Among them, micro and light gas turbines can be converted from aero engines (also known as "aviation to combustion"), the power is usually within 50MW, and can be used in industrial power generation, ship power, pipeline pressurization, tank locomotives, distributed generation and combined heat and power. Heavy-duty gas turbines have a power of more than 50MW and are mainly used as fixed generator sets on land, such as urban power grids.

Gas turbines are mainly divided into heavy-duty gas turbines, light-duty gas turbines and micro-gas turbines. Heavy-duty gas turbines are mainly used in urban power grids; Light gas turbines are mainly used for industrial power generation, ship power, and pipeline pressurization; Microturbines are mainly used for distributed generation.

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